Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 4 / Issue 1 / Pages 83-94
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Ecophysiological responses of woody regrowth under gap-phase regeneration in Turkey oak – Sessile oak forests

Éva Salamon-Albert, Péter Lőrincz & Ágnes Csiszár


Correspondence: Salamon-Albert Éva

Postal address: H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6.

e-mail: albert[at]gamma.ttk.pte.hu


A gas exchange based ecophysiological performance of five regrowth species has been investigated in a xero-mesophilous oak forest. Seasonal light responses, capacities and variability of assimilation, transpiration and water use efficiency under light saturated conditions are discussed to reveal ecophysiological characteristics of the species in gap-phase dynamics. Species present assimilation maximum in autumn, followed by a continuously increasing carbon-dioxide fixation rate through the seasons. Transpiration peak is manifested differentially in summer and autumn. Autumn maximum of photosynthetic water use efficiency as the ratio of carbon input and water output is detected for all studied species. Limitation of gas exchange parameters is highly indicated by low level of water use efficiency in the summer season in case of Fraxinus ornus, Quercus cerris and Q. petraea. Carpinus betulus turned out to be a source saving species by a moderate gas exchange rate in every season. According to the moderate rate of carbon assimilation and transpiration but the highest rate of water use efficiency, Rubus fruticosus can be the most effective species in the early stage of gap-phase dynamics. Assimilation to transpiration rate in spring and summer is strongly coordinated, water use efficiency is a species and season dependent aspect. Autumn and summer season water use efficiency can serve an appropriate tool for indicating environmental limitation and scaling habitat suitability of the species in dry oak forests.

Keywords: gap-phase regeneration, woody regrowth, assimilation, transpiration, photosynthetic water use efficiency

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    Cite this article as:

    Salamon-Albert, É., Lőrincz, P. & Csiszár, Á. (2014): Ecophysiological responses of woody regrowth under gap-phase regeneration in Turkey oak – Sessile oak forests. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 4(1): 83-94. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 4, Issue 1
    Pages: 83-94

    First published:
    15 September 2014

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