Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 13 / Issue 1 / Pages 55-73
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Regional analysis of wild game effects on natural regeneration in the Nnorth Hungarian Mountains

Ferenc Szmorad & Tibor Standovár


Correspondence: Standovár Tibor

Postal address: 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C.

e-mail: standy[at]caesar.elte.hu


This study investigates the relationship between wild ungulates impact and regeneration characteristics in three landscape units of the North Hungarian Mountains (Börzsöny, Mátra, Aggtelek Karst), covering an area of about 50 000 ha. The analyses, based on forest condition surveys of nearly 60 000 points, also cover forest areas not under active management and, in addition to the basic indicators used in forestry practice (cover, browsing), also address the extent of and causes for lack of regeneration. The results show the strong impact of ungulate species in all three landscape units, significantly reducing the viability and amount of regeneration. Heavy browsing was observed in 58.17-76.23% of the samples, while the proportion of samples with less than 1% cover was 46.59-54.23% in the low (0-0.5 m) and 61.31-83.91% in the high (0.5-2.5 m) regeneration. Nonparametric correlation analysis revealed a negative significant relationship between the amount of soil disturbance caused by wild game and regeneration cover. The reduction of wild ungulates impact is essential not only for successful regeneration in age-class forestry, but also for the expansion of continuous cover forestry and the long-term survival of forests not affected by timber production.

Keywords: wild game effects, ungulates, submontane forests, browsing, regeneration amount

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    Cite this article as:

    Szmorad, F. & Standovár, T. (2023): Regional analysis of wild game effects on natural regeneration in the Nnorth Hungarian Mountains. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 13(1): 55-73. (in Hungarian) DOI: 10.17164/EK.2023.04

    Volume 13, Issue 1
    Pages: 55-73

    DOI: 10.17164/EK.2023.04

    First published:
    28 August 2023

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