Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 7 / Issue 1 / Pages 43-58
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The possibilities of visual evaluation process of infected trees by European mistletoe (Viscum album L.)

Tivadar Baltazár, Ildikó Varga & Miloš Pejchal


Correspondence: Baltazár Tivadar

Postal address: Valtická 337, 691 44 Lednice, Czech Republic

e-mail: baltazartivadar[at]gmail.com


The article discusses the process of mistletoe infection rating from visual evaluation to statistical analysis of the collected data. Besides, it also deals with the most common rating systems and possibilities of their usage. Outstanding it describes also those statistical models which are the most suitable not only characterizing of the current state of mistletoe infection intensity. Furthermore, it also allows modeling the future distribution of infection. The research methodology is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive which may increase by the size of study area. However, its implementation requires only small financial investment. Nevertheless, the exact mistletoe infection evaluation in case of all host individuals is only possible (and recommendable) in parks or other urban green areas, because these potential host species are most endangered due to the urban air contamination and by other damaging factors than trees in forest belt.

Keywords: European mistletoe, Viscum album, mistletoe rating, host plant, modelling of mistletoe infection

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    Cite this article as:

    Baltazár, T., Varga, I. & Pejchal, M. (2017): The possibilities of visual evaluation process of infected trees by European mistletoe (Viscum album L.). Bulletin of Forestry Science, 7(1): 43-58. (in Hungarian) DOI: 10.17164/EK.2017.003

    Volume 7, Issue 1
    Pages: 43-58

    DOI: 10.17164/EK.2017.003

    First published:
    31 May 2017

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