Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 11 / Issue 1 / Pages 5-25
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Assessment of composition, structure and dead wood supply in forests of the North Hungarian Mountains, Hungary

Ferenc Szmorad, Kristóf Kelemen, Kata Kenderes & Tibor Standovár


Correspondence: Standovár Tibor

Postal address: H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c.

e-mail: standy[at]caesar.elte.hu


The main objective of our project entitled "Multi-purpose assessment serving biodiversity conservation in the Carpathians region of Hungary", supported by the Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Program, was to develop a new forest state description methodology and to apply it to survey nearly 50,000 hectares of forests in three regions (Börzsöny, Mátra, Aggtelek Karst) of the North Hungarian Mountains. The present study evaluates the composition and structure of tree canopy and deadwood supply based on data collected by systematic sampling, fine spatial resolution and by recording numerous variables. The results show the compositional and structural richness of the Aggtelek karst, the lack of admixing tree species and a better supply of standing dead wood in the Mátra, the higher variation in canopy closure in the Börzsöny. There is no significant difference between the regions in terms of lying dead wood, and invasive trees species (black locust, tree of heaven). Among the practical conclusions, the dependence of certain characteristics (admixing trees, dead wood) on management is emphasised, and related management proposals are made.

Keywords: forest state survey methodology, systematic sampling, admixing species, alien species

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    Cite this article as:

    Szmorad, F., Kelemen, K., Kenderes, K. & Standovár, T. (2021): Assessment of composition, structure and dead wood supply in forests of the North Hungarian Mountains, Hungary. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 11(1): 5-25. (in Hungarian) DOI: 10.17164/EK.2021.007

    Volume 11, Issue 1
    Pages: 5-25

    DOI: 10.17164/EK.2021.007

    First published:
    15 November 2021

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