Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 3 / Issue 1 / Pages 195-204
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Ecological investigation of bird communities in the Tanulmányi Forest of Ásotthalom

Dániel Andrési


Correspondence: Andrési Dániel

Postal address: H-9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 4.

e-mail: andresi.daniel[at]gmail.com


In two consecutive years (2011 and 2012), the bird communities of two pine plantations, two pedunculate oak and one gray poplar stands were studied in the Tanulmányi forest of Ásotthalom. For the survey the quadrate method was used. Altogether 735 individuals of 34 bird species were detected. The surveyed biocoenoses were compared with various ecological parameters (diversity, the level of consistency, similarity measures and hierarchical cluster analysis based on Jaccard). In the two study years, species richness, density and diversity were the highest in the oak stands. The highest similarity was between the two oak sites while it was the lowest between the pine and the oak sites. In the dendrogram of the hierarchical cluster analysis the deciduous and the coniferous quadrates are well separated. At each level the breeding bird occurrence was constant for the terricol and the fruticicol species. The ratio of the dendricol and the arborical species was higher in the oak sites.

Keywords: planted pine, pedunculate oak, breeding bird communities

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    Cite this article as:

    Andrési, D. (2013): Ecological investigation of bird communities in the Tanulmányi Forest of Ásotthalom. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 3(1): 195-204. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 3, Issue 1
    Pages: 195-204

    First published:
    28 June 2013

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