Bulletin of Forestry Science / Volume 2 / Issue 1 / Pages 47-60
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Evaluation of changes of site parameters in the Noszlop forest district

Gábor Kovács, Gábor Illés, Diána Mészáros, Orsolya Szabó, Andrea Vigh & Bálint Heil


Correspondence: Kovács Gábor

Postal address: H-9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 4.

e-mail: gkovacs[at]emk.nyme.hu


A new forest management planning period is near for the forest stands of the 400 ha sized Noszlop forest district. During planning future forest stands we have to take into account the ongoing changes in site conditions. Speeding changes are forcing us to develop current site evaluation methods. In our study field observations were evaluated using advanced GIS tools. The assessment of climate data for the past 50 years revealed that the amount of precipitation has dropped by 20% while the average temperature has increased by 1.2 °C within the study area. On the basis of newly surveyed soil profiles and core samples we derived more detailed soil and site maps than it was currently available in forest management plans. By the application of digital elevation model and connected spatial datasets the site characteristics can be visualised in a more detailed extent and their changes can be assessed. It makes us capable to describe the projected future conditions for areas of interest, spatial pattern of forest climate categories and forest site parameters can be refined within the forest management data.

Keywords: changing site conditions, forest management planning, choosing of tree species

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    Cite this article as:

    Kovács, G., Illés, G., Mészáros, D., Szabó, O., Vigh, A. & Heil, B. (2012): Evaluation of changes of site parameters in the Noszlop forest district. Bulletin of Forestry Science, 2(1): 47-60. (in Hungarian)

    Volume 2, Issue 1
    Pages: 47-60

    First published:
    3 September 2012

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